Ink, Water-loaded Brush & Colored Pencil in a sketchbook.
One of 18 panels I did for HCD (Hourly Comic Day) on May 1, 2007, or in my particular case DARK Hourly Comic Day.
Around the first of each month several people from around the planet attempt to do one or more Comic panels around the clock on their day for every hour they are awake. It's an attempt at humor in a very raw way. . . or sometimes it is at least. Sometimes it's even funny.
These are not intended as finished work, just spontaneous in-the-moment thoughts and ideas scribbled down roughly each hour we are awake on that day in a sketchbook for the fun of it.
A number of the participants in HCD are also involved with Mail Art. Mail Art is how several of us met and why we sometimes poke about in fun with Mail Art.
You can see the other 17 panels i did on May 1st plus any thing else submitted to the HCD Day's Worth Blog here:
"Day's Worth" an Hourly Comic Day BlogYou can click each panel for a larger version of that panel or page - which makes it a little easier to read.
You are welcome to comment, or just have fun looking.
You are also more than welcome to join us in the activity and submit the work you do on your own Hourly Comic Day. Even stick figures and speaking dots are welcome - post a comment to Bonnie Clyde if you'd like to submit your HCD to the Blog.
Of course you are welcome to just stop in a little after the first of each month, which gives us a little time to post what our HCD was like, to see what we did too.
I think their is always room for a little more humor in life. If you dont have at least some fun in your life what have you got? - have fun. - aloha - Wrick.