These postcards are for a 3/3 mail art swap (send in 3, receive 3 in return). The only requirements being 4 x 6 inch (10.2 x 15.25 cm) postcards, each with at least 3 used snail-mail postage stamps on the card and that the cards be un-addressed with an available message space.

All 5 postcards are on either 140# (300 gsm) Cold Press Strathmore Watercolor Paper (4 cards) or 140# (300 gsm) Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Colour Paper (1 card).
In addition to the postage stamps I've used watercolor, acrylic, ink, graphite and colored pencil on each postcard.
I've been wanting to play with stencils again and this seemed like a great opportunity to do so. The stencil i used is a simple small plastic one that is old enough to be breaking up easily. While working i was wondering how much longer i would be able to use it for actual lettering so I'm glad i managed to use it on all 5 postcards. Some of the letters were made using 3 broken pieces to form the letter.

The Fifth postcard (above right) has one of my own Plumeria Blossom 23¢ postcard stamps from my 19 Planets cafepress shop (from a time when postcards were 23¢ to mail).

This postcard has a 25¢ letter stamp from 1990. i like to keep the cancellation mark with stamps as much as possible because i think they are visually interesting as well as providing bits of information like city and date as well as other phrases or images occasionally.

This is the obverse side of the third postcard. All 5 cards are similar to this on the message side.
Tomorrow (later today) I plan to mail the 3 cards that i will be submitting to the Postal Stamp Postcard Swap.