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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

One Start Another Stop

aloha & Welcome to More 19 Planets.

Title: One Thought Next To Another

One of these planets will become my current abode. however for now art, bonsai, stones and life about the middle of the pacific ocean also work well for me... as do some of the other 10,000 things.

as a first posting to this blog (above) i've added a 4x4 watercolor and ink piece i did recently. i did two of these. one has been sent off as part of a Mail Art Swap. the image below is another 4x4 watercolor and ink piece sent off in the same swap.

Title: Trees

because i do things and work in sizes other than 4x4 i thought i'd add a 4x6 postcard too.

Title: Night Shore

have fun reading, viewing and exploring what i do here. commenting is welcome - have fun. aloha - Wrick

1 comment:

  1. aloha v.k.

    so perfect when a juicy painting makes your mouth water. gotta like that vibration. thank you.
